I’m a huge Star Wars fan for many reasons – one of which is that there are some real gems of Jedi wisdom that I appreciate. Here’s one example:  

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”
Qui-Gon to Anakin, Star Wars Episode I

Think about it, what are you focusing on? What’s getting most of your mental attention?  

This morning, did you walk into your home office with shoulders drooping as you begin to focus on the long list of things that you have to do – most if which you don’t really want to do or don’t enjoy doing?


Did you walk into your office with energy and excitement knowing that you’ll be tapping into many of your talents, gifts and skills throughout the day and focus on feeling really good about the work you’ll be doing?

Both scenarios are exactly the same – the only difference is the focus.  Being a solo-prenuer and wearing the plethora of hats that we do, it’s not a surprise that we can quickly lose our focus, slide into being overwhelmed and/or easily become distracted.  When our attention jumps from one thing to another, we have a busy, fractured day that’s probably not very productive. Not to mention having distractions from family, phones, and anything else that rings, dings or sings!

This may seem simplistic, but it’s completely true. This is the magical power of focus.
Let’s look at some of the ways you can use focus to transform your thinking, your attitude and your business – from the inside out!

Focus on your prospective clients    

Research, survey and talk to your ideal client prospects every week.  Ask questions and listen to how they respond and the words or phrases they use. This is pure gold.  They’re telling you exactly what they need and want. Become an expert on their challenges, pain, obstacles, needs, wants and desires. With the knowledge you gain, you’ll be in the enviable position of creating and selling products and services that are exactly what your clients want.  You’ll no longer rely on hope as a strategy. You’ll start attracting more clients because you’ll be speaking their language and they will feel understood.

Focusing on your ideal prospects has the added benefit:  you won’t have to work as hard at selling! True confession:  over the years I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and I’ve yet to have one person say to me that the reason they started their business was because they love to make cold calls, have sales conversations and close the deal!  Rather, what I commonly hear is they prefer to bypass advertising, marketing and selling and just have people buy their product or service.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. However, when you focus on your ideal client, know their pain and how your product or service will bring them the results or relief they want, then it’s less about selling and more about solution.

Focus on Possibilities and Practicalities

To have a business that successfully supports you and the lifestyle you dream of, you must find the healthy balance of possibilities and practicalities.  It’s equal parts of dreaming and reality; creative thinking that’s well-grounded. Think of it as stretching your imagination while including existing facts and knowledge that build the bridge from the present to the future.  

In my experience, entrepreneurs typically have too many great ideas and that compromises their ability to focus on just one. Select one idea and focus on that until one of three things happens: 1) you discover that it isn’t a good fit for you or your ideal client; 2) you’re close to having a big hit yet something’s not quite in alignment; or 3) you’ve found the magic sweet spot of where your passion intersects with the needs and wants of your ideal client and the solution you’re offering is exactly what they want.

 Focus on Business Outcomes

To have and sustain a business, generating a profit is essential and focus does not come easily or naturally to most heart-centered, soul-centered entrepreneurs.  So often I have new clients that are so passionate about their work that they often give it away. That’s great if you’re independently wealthy. However, if you’re not, then giving it away or undervaluing your talents may feed your “soul account” while your “bank account” is starving.

Once again, finding the balance is essential to having a successful business.  You want both accounts to be healthy, robust and sustainable. Focusing on have a profit-rich business ensures that you’ll be setting goals and following a plan that will consistently give you the business outcomes you want while feeding your soul.

Focus on being a perpetual student of business

Constantly seek new knowledge to continually grow your business.  The entrepreneurial landscape is dramatically different today than 5 or 10 years ago.  Continually gaining input, acquiring new knowledge and keeping on top of current trends and technology are essential to growing and sustaining your business.   

Literally, you are a few key clicks away from learning the latest and greatest thanks to Google and YouTube.  If you prefer more hands-on active learning, there are webinars, workshops and training again, just a few clicks away.  My suggestion is that you enroll in at least one free class or program each month, two paid programs each year and definitely have a business coach that’s your go-to guru for all your business-related questions.  Having the right business coach can be a game changer for you, your business and your life. To learn more about exactly what a business coach can do for you, click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with me

Focus on Building Strong Relationships

Starting and growing a business involves interacting with many people. Before you start your business or make your first sale, you’ll be interacting with others to secure resources, talking with potential clients, screening vendors or interviewing and hiring sub-contractors or employees. The ability to build relationships is crucial for the growth and survival of your business.  You’ll want to have a strong social awareness to attract and maintain a consistent flow of new clients. You’ll want to be visible, approachable and make it easy for colleagues, referral partners and affiliates to interact with you.

Whether you’re thinking of starting a business or are ready to upscale your business to the next level, focusing on these five elements will give your success factor a big boost and prevent you from losing sight of your dream.  

Another truth I’ve learned over the years is that entrepreneurs are prepared to do whatever must be done to have their business succeed.  Granted, it takes many people to grow and sustain a successful business – no one can do it alone. And yet, with the right focus, consistent access to your ideal clients, a healthy dose of determination and the right people, your business can support the life and lifestyle you dream of living.