Note: This is Part 2 of my 4-step system and to get the results you want, you have to follow the steps in sequence.  I want you to understand that you can do this. You, too, can kick the “icky sales call” to the curb and start feeling good about getting more yes’s easier and faster.

Here are the 4-steps:

Step 1 was all about Connecting with your prospect – meeting them where they are.  Now that you have created that connection, you’re ready for the next step.

Before we delve into Discovering, it’s important for you to know each of us has a unique combination of gifts, skills, talents, experiences and education – that’s what makes each of us unique!  Stepping into your uniqueness and taking ownership is how you attract your ideal clients.  Believing in your uniqueness is vital because your ideal clients need what you have!  Believe in the program, product or service you’re created.  Believe that it’s going to fulfill needs, solve a problem and/or provide a solution.

Step 2:  Discovering

This system is about connecting with your prospect, discovering their needs, presenting your solution and, if appropriate, and closing or making the sale.

Here’s the shocker.

The sale doesn’t happen in Step 4. It happens in Step 1: Connection and Step 2: Discovering. Your goal in Step 2 is to discover what they’re seeking, identify their pain, uncover their dreams and desires, discover what do they want to achieve and why they are reaching out to you.

The focus is 100% on them – not you, not your service, not the special deal.  It’s all about them. The questions you ask in this step come from the intention that your ideal client has the answers you need so that you can determine if your offer is appropriate for them.  Your question are helping them, perhaps for the first time, articulate their pain and need.

The questions you ask demonstrate you are sincerely interested in their needs.

And, you listen. We talked about the importance of listening in Step 1.  Really listen and take notes or make mental notes.  Think of this as digging for gold nuggets because the words and phrases they use, their situation or circumstances, their needs, wants, and desires are pure marketing gold!

In each of the examples I’m sharing, you’re discovering their answers, what they are seeking and their needs.

If you’re a business coach/consultant, your discovery questions could be:

  • You’ve had your business for several years, what’s working for you and what isn’t?
  • What was your vision when you started your business?
  • How has COVID 19 impacted your business/revenue/client retention?
  • How do you feel about that?
  • What do you see as your next steps?

If you’re a health and wellness coach:

  • What do you like about your current situation?
  • What would you like to improve?
  • What solutions have you tried?
  • What worked for you and what didn’t?
  • How long have you been dealing with this?

If you’re a relationship coach:

  • How long have you been together?
  • What is it about them that attracted your attention?
  • How would you describe your ideal relationship?
  • What’s missing in your relationship?
  • What do you want more of? Less of?

The beauty and effectiveness of this system is that you are having a conversation with a person, much like you would a friend or colleague.  You’re interested, engaging and meeting them where they are.

There are times when the response to a question is: “things are good” or “working well.”  In that situation, your reply could be something like:

“Sounds like (fill in the blank- fitb) is going pretty well for you.  Is there anything about (fitb) you would enhance if you could?” depending on their response, ask: “Sounds like you’ve given that some thought – why is this important to you?”

Here are additional examples of Discovery questions:

  • How has that impacted you? Your family? Your business? Your health?
  • If nothing changes, where do you see yourself in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years?
  • Is there a reason why you haven’t (fitb)?
  • If you had a magic wand, what’s one thing you would change today, right now?

The final element in Step 2 is creating the transition into Step 3.  It’s building your ‘know, like and trust’ (klt) factor by keeping the focus on them and acknowledging how much you value what they’ve shared with you.

The transition is a single question that goes something like this: “I appreciate you sharing this with me. If I could find a way to help you today, what would you say your ideal outcome would be?”

This question so powerful because they will tell you exactly what they want.

They’re telling you what needs they have to be fulfilled. If your program/product or service fills that need, they want what you have to offer and they know you’re genuinely interested in them by the questions you’ve asked.

Let’s wrap this up.  The discovery process serves three outcomes and you’re achieving this by having a casual, comfortable conversation:

  1. discovering what they need/want/desire
  2. discovering if your program/service is aligned with their desired outcome
  3. create the transition to Step 3.

Action: this system works when you use it and, like they say, practice makes perfect.  Using the examples provided, take a few minutes and tailor the questions to your ideal client. Then find a willing partner and practice until it feels like a casual, relaxed conversation.

Next up is Step 3: Presenting. This is where it gets really fun!

Would love to hear your take-aways from this – what works for you, what doesn’t or what you want more of!