Do you hear yourself saying …

I am working way too much…
I am working way too hard…
For the amount of time I spend working, I don’t seem to accomplish much…
Each day my ‘to do’ list gets longer and I’m totally overwhelmed!

Maybe I wasn’t cut out to be an entrepreneur.

It wasn’t that many years ago that those thoughts were my constant companion. My business was bringing me down, destroying my self-confidence and devouring my time, money and energy….. and I had little to show for it.

Something had to change. Nobody was coming to save me. I needed to be my own hero.

As is often the case when we’re faced with challenges, obstacles, adversity or just the messiness of life, the necessity to change emerges and we make a pivotal shift. Sometimes it’s big, other times it’s a minor shift or adjustment.

Only when I faced these 7 harsh truths, was I able to change my mindset so that my business worked for me and gave me the results I wanted.

#1. A task, requiring a lot of time, does not make the task important

#2. What I do is more important than how I do it

#3. Doing something well doesn’t make it important

#4. Being busy doesn’t equate to being productive

#5. Not enough time is just an excuse for not prioritizing

#6. Being overwhelmed is a waste of energy and completely unproductive

#7. Lazy thinking prevents me from having an impact

Knowing and accepting these truths was the path that led to me to create the business I have today – a business that works for me and gives me the results I want.

Letting go of what was sabotaging my success wasn’t easy at first. It required concerted effort and attention. Then, once I started experiencing the results I wanted, the momentum took over and it became easier each day.

These are the three foundational beliefs I use to keep me grounded, productive and exhilarated about the work I do.

#1. Only do my genius, my thing – that’s where I make the biggest impact

#2. Don’t get bogged down in the details

#3. Reflect, rejuvenate and tap into all resources available

My goal for you and all of my clients is this:

  • Make an impact doing what you love
  • Earn more by working less
  • Enjoy your life

I’d love to hear from you – do you have beliefs that keep you steadfast and on course so that you achieve the results you want?