Does this sound familiar? “I looked at my 4-page to do list yesterday and just cringed! Where do I start and the next thought was, why bother?” I call this the curse of the list – the longer the list, the less inclined I am to tackle it. It’s similar to the small change concept – a small list is inspiring, achievable, meaningful. A long list can be so demotivating that we can’t see past the list to the other side of achievement.

What works for me is to have a spreadsheet – the columns across the top are Category, Item, Start Date, Relies on and End Date. The Categories are Speaking, Grant Work, Product Development, Skill Development, Write/Record/Video and Marketing.

If I don’t feel like concentrating on the Guerilla Marketing Course, I can escape the heavy mental function and shift into a creative mindset of product development. Granted, everything on the list will be completed, priorities, clients and business demands will see to that!

How can you create a to-do list that inspires and energizes you?