by Susan Bock | Sep 1, 2010 | Uncategorized, Your Business Your Way™
In 1972, the song titled “I Am Woman” song by Helen Reddy, hit the U.S. pop charts and rapidly became #1. Almost 40 years later, her song still resonates in my mind. Can you hear the tune, the lyrics? “I Am Woman” says it all – who we are, what we have and will...
by Susan Bock | Aug 24, 2010 | Uncategorized, Your Business Your Way™
Susan Bock asks Are you Ready to Dream? Are you ready to dream? Picture this – you have all the time and money you need (wouldn’t that be amazing?) so what are you doing each day – where are you spending your time? What activities are you involved in? Where are...
by Susan Bock | Aug 17, 2010 | Uncategorized, Your Business Your Way™
Susan Bock talks about the “Mad How” Disease… Are you suffering from the “MAD How” disease? I loved this concept when reading about in it the Life Safari by John Strelecky. He weaves such a wonderful story around life’s lessons – and the Mad How...
by Susan Bock | Aug 10, 2010 | Uncategorized, Your Business Your Way™
Change, and transition, surrounds us. Personally, professionally, and socially, we are bombarded by change – a new idea, shifting attitudes, breakthrough products and technology that seems to leap-frog each week.. Everyone is in favor of change, right? My answer to...
by Susan Bock | Jul 21, 2010 | Uncategorized, Your Business Your Way™
Now, there’s a question – Do we really know our clients? What we know about the person is what they reveal – and how we interpret their revelations. This can be a real challenge – one person, filtering their communication to another person, who filters...