Did you know…

In my blog post A-Z exercises, I talked about my new ‘living in health’ activities – including various exercises – which resulted in sore feet. That led to an interesting discovery that Dr. Scholl’s must have made eons ago! As we age, the pads on the balls of our feet...


Another new word has been added to our vocabulary, thanks to technology!  Spellcheck hasn’t quite caught up with the latest as it tells me em>Unfriending is not a word – and it offers no suggestions. Until this week, I wasn’t familiar with the word – does that put me...

3 Little Letters

It is not unusual for me to have an ‘aha’ moment – you know the kind – it’s a breakthrough thought, or novel idea that has been teasing the edges of my consciousness.  It can be an awareness that has been a long time in coming or the sudden flash of insight that can...