It is not unusual for me to have an ‘aha’ moment – you know the kind – it’s a breakthrough thought, or novel idea that has been teasing the edges of my consciousness.  It can be an awareness that has been a long time in coming or the sudden flash of insight that can bring so many pieces of life’s jig saw together.  I love ‘aha’ moments!

And, then there are the less-than-brilliant moments often characterized with a ‘duh’…not nearly as refreshing or exciting as the ‘aha’ moment; to say nothing of the embarrassment, humiliation, and so on that typically accompanies the ‘duh’.  I seem to be having more duh’s lately.  Umm, curious.

Three little letters, what a huge difference!  My wish for you is more aha’s and fewer duh’s – and could you hold the same wish for me as I seem to need help in that area!

Creatively transforming your thinking, your business and your life…

Susan Bock
Professional Speaker
Transformational Coach