In his book, Mastering Leadership: Shift the Drift and Change the World, author Michael Strasner focuses on the 12 distinctions that define entrepreneurs that have mastered the art of leadership.

Now, before you check out because you don’t see yourself as a leader, please stay with me. I invite you to see yourself as the leader of your business, the She-EO! You may not have a team or tons of employees and yet, you are a leader. You have a dream, a vision, a powerful longing to make a difference. You have an impact on yourself and those around you. That makes you a leader.

I’ve selected two of his 12 distinctions to share with you today.

Commit to your vision, no excuses.
Strasner shares that one of the 12 distinctions that “separates successful entrepreneurs from the wannabes is that a real entrepreneur is so committed to making his or her idea a reality that there is no Plan B.” When you are totally committed, you leave no stone unturned. Regardless of the challenges, obstacles or that naysayers may attempt to dissuade you, you are resolute in your conviction to achieve success, as you choose to define it.

He does offer this caution: don’t jump into the entrepreneurial arena until you are able to fully commit, meaning you have the financial wherewithal to navigate the lean beginnings and that you’re mentally and emotionally committed to achieving your dream.

Additionally, it’s imperative that you “see clearly” meaning no rose-colored glasses. Beware of your “foe” ego. Make informed, educated, grounded decisions that are not influenced by your “foe” ego.

What helps me keep my “foe” ego out of the decision-making equation is to rely and trust my intuition – my higher “all-knowing self”. Okay, so that may sound a bit woo-woo, and yet I know this: my intuition has never lied to me, led me astray or given me bad advice. In hindsight, I’ll admit that some of the worst decisions I’ve made were a result of my “foe” ego overruling my intuition.

Your work doesn’t define your self-worth.
Strasner also tells us that investing in your passion, industry research and becoming an expert on your niche, your ideal dream clients are key elements to achieving success. However, whatever the outcome, those results do not define who you are. When you over identify with the outcome, that’s your “foe” ego, taking charge. “It doesn’t matter who you are. Everyone has breakdowns and makes mistakes,” Strasner noted. “When you learn that you are not defined by one success or failure, you are able to truly commit and succeed.”

Admittedly, this is an ongoing effort for me because for so many years my identity was external. I was constantly comparing myself to others. Here’s what I’ve learned: comparison-itis can undermine my self-worth in a blink. No useful purpose is served other than triggering my “not -good-enough” limiting belief which then completely undermines my commitment to my dream.

Successful leaders never lose their connection to their passion and desire to have an impact! When you, as a leader, as a She-EO, as a business owner, stand up and commit to making a difference in your world, however big or small your world is, then you have an impact, you inspire others.

To wrap this up, here are some questions for you to consider:

  • How is your “foe” ego sabotaging your success?
  • What’s required for you to fully accept the leadership role in your business?
  • How can you strengthen your commitment to having an impact, making a difference?
  • What do you need to achieve success, as you choose to define it?

Would love to hear your thoughts on this!