With just one click, your ideal clients are opening the virtual door to gazillion websites, offers, programs, webinars and services.

The question of what you can do so that your ideal clients can find you, can be overwhelming.

With all of the choices out there, all the “competition”, noise and attention-grabbing claims, it’s hard to see how you’ll ever stand out and attract your ideal clients.

You can attract your ideal clients when you become an expert on who they really are, the real reason then want your product or service and solution that only you can offer.

Attracting and retaining clients isn’t about …

  • Building a snappy website
  • Adding more letters after your name
  • Buying a state-of-the-art sales funnel

Granted, those things are helpful, but if you don’t get this one thing right, the most expensive website in the world won’t get you clients.

The #1 way to attract more clients is to become an expert on who they are, how they think and speak and knowing what pain, challenges, obstacles they’re encountering.

When you’re the expert and are speaking their language by avoiding the temptation to use jargon, then your prospects will feel connected to you and more importantly, understood by you. That’s where the magic happens.

In an article in Entrepreneur Magazine, Brian Tracy said “The greater clarity you have with regard to your ideal customer, the more focused and effective your marketing efforts will be.”

I’ve pulled out five of Brian’s tips and put them in question form.

  1. What does your product or service accomplish from your customer’s point of view?
  2. What are the specific benefits your customer is seeking in buying your product or service?
  3. What is the location of your exact customer?
  4. When does your ideal customer buy your product or service?
  5. What is your customer’s buying strategy?

In our world today, with online marketing, it’s vital to know exactly who your ideal customer is. It’s now estimated you have only one-twentieth of a second to make a connection that sparks interest online. In Digital Marketer, Russ Henneberry recommends you have the answers to these five questions.

  1. What are your ideal customer’s goals and values?
  2. What are the demographics of your ideal customer? (such as age, marital status, income)
  3. What are his or her challenges and pain points?
  4. What would be his or her objections to buying your product or service?
  5. Where does your ideal customer get his or her information? (i.e. books, magazines, etc.)

The key is to discover what your ideal client looks like, thinks and acts in the most specific way possible and then go about creating your entire marketing strategy around attracting more of them. You become THE expert of and for your ideal client, the perfect fit, the sweet spot where your uniqueness intersects with their needs and wants.

When you know – really know – your ideal client better than they know themselves, client attraction is easy and effortless! This includes understanding the demographics and psychographics of your ideal client or customer so that you can build your business, message, product, services, sales and support around attracting and serving this niche – you become the expert on and in the niche!

The thing is, when you discover your initial ideal client and become an expert on them, it will impact the thinking about your basic business model and overall business strategy. All great business models are customer focused and now that you have a picture of this customer, it’s time to consider how this alters the other aspects of your business. Consider how this discovery might impact your offerings, your revenue streams, distribution channels and even pricing.

My experience suggests that you’re never really done with this exercise. As your business evolves, as you learn and grow, this model will evolve as well, and you will find that the continual process of discovery is just as important as what you discover.

The information here is just a sample of what we’ll be covering in the next Business Growth Masterclass, Thursday, September 20th. These monthly classes are “working” classes in that you’ll actually be doing the work, with my assistance, to become an expert on your ideal client. At the conclusion of our time together, you’ll have actionable strategies you can implement right away.