As much as you may hate to admit it, you can’t do everything!  Sometimes we need help – and we need to ask for help.  This is one of those times.  Having an accountable partner (AP) gives you the edge – it tips the scales in your favor because it’s now two against one!

          You and your AP can team up and slay this dragon together.  When resistance starts to eke back in and interfere with your success, your AP will be in the position of observation and help you get back into the driver’s seat.

Your Accountability Partner must be someone you:

  • Trust;
  • Respect;
  • Confide in;
  • Know is equally invested in our success.

You may want to consider hiring a coach – a trained, certified professional who can coach you through the obstacle course.  I may or may not be the coach for you.  With one phone call, you will know.  In 30-minutes you will know if hiring me is the right step for you.

Yes, you can slay this dragon!  You can remove the powerful hold resistance has had on you in the past.  Today is about your future, your success, your happiness.

Trust me, you are worth it!!

To access all the blogs in this series on resistance click here.

Please share your journey on this series of blogs on resistance. I would love to hear from you!