Did you start your business with the intention of failing?  Of course not – nor did I, and yet, sadly, failure is what most entrepreneurs will experience.

Most of us enter the entrepreneurial world without the knowledge, skills and aptitude to build a flourishing, lucrative business that gives us the life and lifestyle we dream of living.

This lack of knowledge is reinforced daily as we’re bombarded with people saying you have to know this, do this, buy this. It’s mind boggling. With so much “advice” being offered, it’s easy to become overwhelmed.  Each offer is a distraction and pulls our thinking away from our own natural process.  Not only does it consume our time and energy, it can erode our passion.

By far, one of the biggest mistakes I made was not understanding that operating my business with the wrong business model would never give me the success I wanted.  Why?  Because the model I was told to follow didn’t include me, my style, my skills and my natural abilities.  In other words, the most important component of my business, me, was not included.

It’s important to make the distinction between a business plan and a business model. They serve very different purposes.

  • Business plan: a document presenting the strategy for your business and expected financial performance for the years to come.
  • Business model: is the mechanism through which the company makes money.

Working with the wrong model pushed me to work harder and struggle needlessly.  I forced myself to do things that I didn’t like to do and didn’t do well.  The result was spending a vast majority of my energy, attention and time on activities that weren’t rewarding, fulfilling or motivating.

Fast forward to today. Today I have the business model that is aligned with my skills, talents and aspirations.  In other words, my business works for me rather than me working for my business.

Imagine if you could build or reconstruct your business doing only what comes effortlessly and easily to you.  No more countless hours wasted on things you’d rather never do again, ever!

Sound unrealistic or impossible?

Then I invite you to toss out any preconceived ideas you have about being an entrepreneur.  Clear out the outdated, cumbersome and troublesome thoughts that hover in the background.

Now, imagine operating your business around your natural talents, gifts, and abilities that you enjoy doing and do really well.  You may have heard this referred to as the genius, or brilliance, or being in the zone.  I refer to it as your uniqueness.  Imagine having a business model that is 100% designed for you, what you do well, monetizing it and only spend time on the activities that are aligned with your uniqueness.

That’s how the super star entrepreneurs have become super stars.  They have completely embraced and monetized their uniqueness using a business model that plays to their brilliance.

Whether you want be a super star entrepreneur or a part-time solo-preneur, you need a business model that will enhance you, your natural style and your definition of success. Then your business becomes a powerful client magnet.  Prospects and clients come to know, like and trust you.

Discovering, owning and honoring your uniqueness is easier than you might think.  Everyone has a unique gift; something that’s undeniably “you” while being useful to those around you. It’s much more than a skill, it’s an ingrained strength fueled by your deepest passions and nurtured by an unwavering sense of purpose. It belongs to you, is you and cannot be duplicated.

When you know what your talents are, you feel more in tune with your life. You can also use those talents to excel in the business world. Whether you leverage those talents in your product or service, or you use them to network and make quality connections, they are important to know. When you monetize your uniqueness, it no longer feels like work, it just feels like living. And anything that makes business and life more enjoyable is bound to be a good thing.

Are you intrigued? Want to learn more about designing a business model that compliments you, your style and your uniqueness?  Click here to schedule your Explore Expand Enrich Discovery Call.

Do it right now.

You’ll thank yourself tomorrow!


Disclaimer: My vision is to help you discover your uniqueness, claim your strengths and be more of who you are. As stipulated by law, I cannot, and do not, make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with the ideas, information, tools or strategies you learn here. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, expertise, the action you take and the service you provide to others. Any testimonials, financial numbers mentioned in emails or referenced on any of the web pages should not be considered as a promise of potential earnings. That being said, I believe in you and am here to support you in making the changes you want for your business and your life, and to give you methods, strategies, and processes that will help move you in the direction of the life you dreamed of living when you started your business.