It’s been 17 years since I left my C-suite position in corporate and stepped into the crazy zany world of being an entrepreneur.

Vacillating back and forth between high lights and low lights, the journey has been arduous at times as well as exhilarating.

Let’s face it, it’s easy to talk about the wins, share our successes and even brag a little! It’s not so easy to share the tough times – those niggling doubts and insecurities. For me, and perhaps for you, those hard-learned lessons are the most valuable.

It wasn’t until recently that came to appreciate the importance of sharing the not-so-pretty stories. You see, initially, I didn’t want you to know about that part of my journey….the struggles, disappointments and the occasional bewilderment. If you’re interested in listening to my story, here’s the link:

Today’s post is to encourage you to own your story (thank you Brene Brown) and to share your story with your clients because your story is what makes you uniquely you!

You don’t have to be a terrific writer. It doesn’t require a major time commitment. What is essential is that you do it…using whatever technique or technology works for you. Here are 4 reasons why your clients and prospective clients need to hear your story.

1. Your clients and prospects are genuinely interested in you.

Stating the obvious, there are other coaches, healers, consultants and experts selling a service, product or program that’s similar to yours. When it comes to making a buying decision, its less about the “item” and more about how we feel about who we’re buying it from. Your prospects want to buy from you when they know you, like you and trust you.

That’s where your story wins the sale for you. You don’t have to sell, you merely need to share your story.

 2. Your prospects need to know there’s an end to their struggle.

Imagine this; it’s 3 am, you can’t sleep, so rather than continue fighting the sheets, you get up and walk into your office to work…if work is keeping you awake, you may as well work. At 3 am, it’s dark, lonely and a struggle to know that there’s an end to the struggle, the sleepless nights, the constant worry.  

Your story becomes their beacon of light you struggled toward. You’ve been there, done that and emerged from the darkness.

 3. Your story has valuable information.

From a very early age, we learned from stories. We learn from listening to people’s stories – considerations or possibilities that may not have occurred to us. You may share you approach to problem solving, or how you maneuvered through a messy situation. How you dealt with the situation may give your clients a different perspective or fresh insight.

There’s one thing that no amount of money can buy: experience. And your story is rich with experience!

4. Super heroes are great – they’re not real. 

Yes, I’m a bigtime super hero fan – and super heroes have their time and place. Where the real inspiration, energy and passion is ignited, is the story of the baker starting her business baking hundreds of cupcakes and frosting them by hand each day. Or the person who didn’t like seeing themselves in videos, so they created Lumen5. Or the person with so many allergies, they became an organic food farmer and now has thousands of blog subscribers who pay for her wisdom!

Those are the stories that get client prospects to say yes!

Sharing your story helps your prospects make sense of their situation while communicating your values and beliefs. A good story engages our emotions and mental imaging unlike any spreadsheet or slide presentation! Your story will intertwine with the story of your prospective client and help them believe in their business, possibilists and their future.  

When you clearly communicate your story to your niche, it’s the most effective marketing strategy you can use!

So please, share your story – I’d love to read it. You can post it below. It will be confidential unless you say otherwise. You may also email your story –