When I started my business in 2001, I totally set myself up for failure by thinking that I had to do everything myself, believing that I needed to be the expert at everything and it had to happen now. Bottom line – totally unrealistic expectations!

After nearly running myself ragged, the simplicity of the solution was equal parts disturbing and liberating. I needed to change my beliefs, mindset and expectations.

I invite you to ask yourself these three questions. Depending on what you discover, consider giving yourself permission to think and believe differently so that you can have a lucrative business and a life you love.

Do you feel the need to conform to an expectation?

In spite of all our achievements, women entrepreneurs often have this compelling need to conform to a pre-conceived ideal of what a woman entrepreneur, solo-preneur or women business owner should ideally be like in demeanor, style, personality and accomplishments.

Try this: Let go of the perception that you need to be anyone other than who you are. Being true to yourself, your gloriously unique self is essential. At the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit is non-conformity so honor and respect yourself as the person with passion and purpose that propels you to follow the path you’re on.

Do you feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness?

This belief is particularly gnarly because it can keep you stuck, mired in procrastination and doubting the value of your gifts. It’s a vision killer and a dream-wrecker. Another by-product of this misconception is that it ensures you stay in the constant state of struggle.

Try this: Being totally real, is there a person on earth who does know it all? Who has all the answers? Of course not. If you’re willing to stop struggling and ask for help from a trusted guide, mentor, coach or expert, you’ll begin to experience different results so that your momentum propels you closer to your vision and dreams. 

Do you compare yourself, your results, to others?

When you see the “highlight reel” of entrepreneur success in the media, including social media, do you wonder why it’s so easy for them and then quickly spiral down to; “I’ll never have that.” What we don’t see is what they’ve done to get where they are today. This quote from Lisa Cherney says it all: “It only took me 10 years to be an overnight success!

Try this: Replace comparing with admiring. They have their path and you have your path – each path is admirable and worthy of the journey.

I’ll just finish this by saying you are exactly where you need to be right now.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Did you have an aha, or lightbulb moment that you’d like to share? Please do so below – I personally read and respond to each comment.