Are you feeling out of sorts?

Does it feel like an alien force has entered your body and devoured your vim, vigor and vitality? Are your friends patting you on the shoulder and reassuring you “it” will get better – whatever “it” is? Is it a mid-life crisis? Or maybe the beginning of the dreaded...

Making Me a Priority – Free Webinar

The response to my 3-month Making Me a Priority program was quite a surprise. I so love surprises! You asked for Making Me a Priority to be pre-recorded and available for you to access when it is convenient for you. DONE You asked me to go deeper on each module. DONE...

Claim 2014 as Yours

Ready or not, the New Year is soon to arrive.  Is 2014 going to be a playback of 2013 or are you claiming 2014 to yours??? To make it yours, to claim the year and rock like you’ve never done before? You can do just that and it can be much easier than you might...