by Susan Bock | May 21, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
Is your aversion to selling equal to or greater than your aversion of being sold to? For most heart-centered, creative, coaches and service providers, the concept of selling is a huge obstacle between you and your ideal clients. Wouldn’t you much prefer that they...
by Susan Bock | May 14, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
The psychology behind why we do what we do and make the decisions we make has been a long-time fascination of mine. I’m curious, intrigued and a bit intimated by the subject. So when I found myself caught up in an internal tug of war between not liking selling and...
by Susan Bock | May 7, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
You may not know this about me – I love to buy things – the experience of shopping, discovering, trying something new and different. Whether it’s food, shoes, jewelry or books – the thrill of the perfect fit, the feeling of learning a new idea or concept or the...
by Susan Bock | Apr 23, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
If you think all the organic farmer has to do is wait until fall to harvest truckloads of delicious tomatoes or corn or squash for her clients, think again! That farmer has worked hard all year long to prepare for that week or two of reward. She prepared the ground...
by Susan Bock | Apr 16, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
We’ve all seen those old-style sales pages filled with yellow highlights and screaming red text and lots of “BUY NOW” buttons, and when we think of copywriting, that’s often what comes to mind. While that style of sales page can be effective, it’s not the only way to...
by Susan Bock | Apr 10, 2018 | Your Business Your Way™
Chances are you’ve developed at least a simple client avatar – you know her business, her age, her income and education levels. You know where she lives and what her biggest dreams are. But do you really know what drives her? We’re not talking about just what...