cathedralWe’ve all heard the story about the quarry workers doing the same work and having different perspectives about their work. One worker was miserable because he was just chopping stone all day. The second worker was learning a worthwhile profession and was excited about the work. The third worker loved his work because he knew he was contributing to building a beautiful cathedral.

It could be said that worker #3 was living his purpose of building a cathedral. Which worker can you identify with relative to the work you are doing today? Are you living and working in your purpose or are you merely getting by?

For most of us, finding or discovering our purpose is like digging in the quarry – we have to excavate to through layers of limiting or ‘borrowed’ beliefs, tune out the mental chatter that is resistant or fearful, and we have to claim responsibility for designing the future we want to live.

As I was excavating, were there moments of despair, discouragement and the pesky voices that were asking “Why bother?” Of course. Is the price worth the prize? Absolutely!

Do you know the extent of your potential? Can you imagine living your life differently than you are today? Aren’t you curious to discover what hidden talents you can access? Wouldn’t you like to tap into an energy that inspires you?

Here’s the deal – you can’t wait for this to happen. You have to make it happen.

Follow this link and download my latest eBook – 5 Shortcuts to Ca$hing in on our Purpose.

You can take action today – right now.

P.S. –the Intuition Summit that starts on October 29th – this is your last chance to register!


Cathedral image by Donna Calvin