It wasn’t that many years ago that I seriously doubted my ability to have a profitable business.

A bit of background. I started my business in 2001 and soon had a steadily increasing income from my consulting and coaching clients. The vision I had when starting my business had become my reality and it was terrific – I had a business and a life I loved.

Then the economic debacle of 2008 brought my business to a screeching halt. Within a month, I had no clients, no income and no prospects.

The next few years, were a real struggle for me and my family. I tried to put on the happy face, the good front – and that’s all it was because I was crumbling inside. It wasn’t a pretty picture. Working harder wasn’t the solution…. although I thought it was. I tried everything from redesigning my website, re-branding, new catchy tag lines – the list could go on ad infinitum. Nothing was working for me.

I don’t know why it took me so long to ask for help. Perhaps, pride, ego, and a dose of self-deception that I could figure this out on my own.

When I finally did ask for help, the universe responded to my plea.

I made three discoveries that completely renovated my business.

  • The business model I was using was killing me and my business.
  • I discovered what made me – and my services unique.
  • I learned how to monetize my uniqueness.

Looking back, it’s so obvious – the answers were right in front of me and I just couldn’t see what I needed to see. These three pivotal discoveries turned my business around.

Today, I want to talk to you about my first discovery that was preventing me from getting the results I wanted.

Mistakenly, people think that a business plan and a business model are the same. Allow me to explain. A business plan is a multi-page document presenting the company’s strategy and expected financial performance for the years to come and is typically used to attract funding, investors or secure bank loans.

A business model is the mechanism through which your business makes money and generates its profit. Simply, it’s how you’ll make money.

The business model I had been using was to get an idea, implement it, and keep doing it until the next better idea came along. The result was I was …

  • constantly reinventing the proverbial wheel
  • working way too hard for disappointing results
  • making it really difficult to find and attract clients

Can you relate? Is this similar to your business model?

Here’s the truth: if you’re not getting the results you want, then you don’t have the right business model. It’s that simple. The model that’s right for you is designed specifically for you – it’s not a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all catchy gizmo.

Does the idea of creating a business model sound complicated and intimidating?

Are you cringing right now at the thought of figuring this out by yourself?

The good news is you don’t have to figure it out. I’ve made it super easy, simple, fun and engaging…and I’m giving it away to you this coming Friday when you register for my Masterclass.

Originally, I designed this for my existing clients and streamlined the process so that it can be done in less than 2 hours. In fact, the end product fits on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. How cool is that?!

If you’re ready to renovate your business, then you’ll want to register for my free MasterClass on Friday, July 13th. I’ll take you through the steps and at the end of our time together, you’ll have a business model that’s designed specifically for you.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!