How did you do with the assessment last week? If you need to review the assessment click here. Were you surprised with your results? Most of us are, so you are not alone! It can be quite a jolt when we see something in black and white. Remember this: what gets recorded gets rewarded. You’ve accomplished the record, now it’s time to reap the reward.

When our self-muscles are strong, we can do anything we set out to do. I love the quote by Henry Ford – “Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t, you’re right.” By strengthening your self-muscles, you can discover or uncover your untapped potential. And that’s when life gets really exciting!

My first recommendation is critical, as this is the foundation on which you are rating your strength. Using your dictionary or this link to, look up the definition of each self-muscle. This is not to suggest you don’t know the meaning – rather it is to provide you with clear, descriptive words that represent to you what you will experience when you have achieved your desired level of strength.

Next is a caution. When we do a new exercise, even if we are in shape, our muscles might protest a bit – right? Sore, tender, uncomfortable? It’s exactly the same when working on your self-muscles…it might be uncomfortable, sore, and you may want to give up. With a deep sigh, the voice in our head says, it’s not worth it. This is when I ask you to think of someone you admire and have them shout to you YES YOU ARE!!

Here’s an example using self-acceptance:
My definition:
Self- acceptance means that you understand and acknowledge your character and habits, stop comparing yourself and your achievements to others, and acknowledging your skills or the lack of them.

My workout:
Associate an old (habit, belief, attitude) with a new one that supports healthy self-acceptance. I will start with doing this 3 times a day – morning, afternoon and evening. Over time, the frequency will increase.
When I hear myself comparing me to someone else (old habit) I will superimpose my new habit “We each have such different talents – human beings are amazing!” I will do 5 repetitions of this new habit before moving on.

Now it’s your turn:
Progress through your list, recording your personal definition and then create one activity to propel you from where you are to where you want to be. This is a challenge – I totally get that! It isn’t easy AND it is so worthwhile! You will reap rewards for the remainder of your life.

How we act in life – interpersonally, emotionally and spiritually is how others see us. It’s more than our physical appearance. They sense our energy, attitudes, enthusiasm and zest. Those ‘invisible’ messages are your self-muscles at work. When your self-muscles are strong, you can begin to uncover your potential – and that is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to others. Yes, we want to experience more of you as there is no one else on earth exactly like you!

Are you ready for more?
If you are, check in next week for the Six Steps to Become Even Stronger! With each specific step, examples are provided that make this easy, fast and effective for you. If you want to get started right away, and receive the full program now, please fill out the sign-up box below.

Maximize your results by taking action today! Don’t Wait!