My invitation to you today is to stop struggling. Stop focusing on the symptoms of disappointing results. Stop doing the same thing over and over, which creates more frustration and has you working way too hard and still not getting the results you want.

It’s time to shift from being distracted by the symptoms and go to the root of the problem because that’s where you’ll find the solution.

See if this scenario sounds familiar:

Situation: I don’t have enough clients. Solution: I need more marketing.

Situation: I’m not making a profit. Solution: need more marketing and better branding.

Situation: I don’t have enough leads. Solution: I need a new marketing plan

Off you go changing your tagline, creating or updating your website, purchasing yet another program to help you create a marketing funnel, change your branding, change the name of your product, service or program, invest in another program to help you come up with powerful subject lines for your emails.

It could be that your marketing does need some work. However, your real problem is that you’re using the wrong business model. When you have the wrong model, the most brilliant marketing in the world will not give you the results you want.

I want to clarify the difference between business plan and business model. A business plan is a document presenting the company’s strategy and expected financial performance for the years to come.

A business model is the mechanism through which the company makes money and generates its profit. It’s quite simple – it’s how you plan to make money. It serves the purpose of unifying all aspects of your business including product or service delivery, pricing, advertising and communication with your clients and prospective clients.

A business model – that works for you and with you – is essential for you to have a sustainable, viable business that generates the income to support you and the lifestyle you want to live.

Using the wrong model is like planting a tree in soil that isn’t healthy for that tree. It won’t grow, no matter how much you water and fertilize. The tree doesn’t have the essentials necessary to support and sustain growth.

Why? Because when you’re using the wrong business model, you’re missing key components – it’s incomplete and insufficient. It doesn’t matter how you change your marketing, you still won’t get the results you want.

Would you agree that your business goal is to be consistently profitable and to have a sustainable, reliable income that supports you, your business and the life you dream of? If so, then keep reading so you can learn how to achieve your goal.

Let me be the first to say if you don’t think you have a business model, then I assure you that’s the core problem. We all have one either by default or by design.

When you’re using the wrong model, feel overwhelmed, overworked and have disappointing results, then it’s like trying to fill a leaky bucket except you’re leaking income and profit. And, you’re compromising your earning potential and capacity.

Here are four symptoms of not having the right business model:

Symptom #1: Your ideal client, niche, avatar can’t find you.

Not only can they not find you, you may be attracting people who you don’t want to work with and/or they can’t afford you. In other words, these people are not your tribe.

Solution: become an expert on your niche.

Be a “know-it-all” about your niche and be present and visible where you niche can find you.

The right business model ensures alignment among your niche, product or services and messaging.

Symptom #2: Unintentionally, you’re ignoring your prospects.

List building is essential – absolutely. What’s your relationship building effort to engage and connect with your niche? It’s not about having X number of names on your list.

Solution: building a relationship – the know, like and trust factor – so when you do make an offer, they’re predisposed to say yes.

The right business model includes the plan to consistently follow-up, provide value and be seen as an expert in your field.

Symptom #3: The “Please like me” mindset.

This includes giving too much away which devalues the significance of your product or service. Ask yourself, are you giving too much away? Can you afford to give your gifts away without compensation? And by giving so much away, you’re actually conditioning your prospects to expect everything for free.

Solution: stop giving the giving it all away and start using a strategy as to where, how, what and when you share your training that will position you to be in demand by your niche.

The right business model is designed especially for you and takes the guess work out of what to offer, when and using the platform that’s most desired by your niche.

Symptom #4: Working way too hard for disappointing results.

It’s takes time and a lot of work if you’re just starting out. But if you never get to the place of consistent profitability, you’re setting yourself up for burnout.

Solution: be the boss – manage and run your business or it will run you and you’ll never get to enjoy the life you’re working so hard to support.

The right business model places you firmly in the driver’s seat with a step-by-step system for you to follow which removes doubt, guessing and constantly being in the reaction mode rather than pro-action.

These are all symptoms of how the wrong business model and completely derail your success and keep you in constant struggle.

If your business model is broken, it doesn’t matter how much marketing, re-branding, re-positioning or promoting you do – it won’t solve the problem.

When you have a business model that is designed specifically for your gloriously unique self, then you’ll have a profitable business model that’s aligned with your natural style, systems and strategies. It’s your blueprint for success so you have the time, energy and resources to enjoy the life and lifestyle you’ve created…and take a vacation!

If you’d like my help on this, then I invite you to get on my calendar. Let’s talk, see if I can help you get past the symptoms to the solution so you have a consistent flow of clients who are happy and willing to pay you.

Click here to schedule your complimentary Explore | Expand | Enrich call today!