It’s easy to fall into the trap of “thinking” we have a well-defined target audience, and yet, it’s a struggle to attract and connect with them.  Maybe, just maybe, you don’t know your ideal client as well as you think you do.

This vision of your ideal client guides everything you do, everything from product/service design, pain points, pricing, marketing, delivery and follow up.  You need to be intimately familiar with every possible objection, question, resistance or doubt your client prospect may have. When you have this knowledge, you’ll save yourself from wasting tons of time, money and energy.

Having understanding and insight – really knowing your ideal client is essential to attracting and retaining clients.  In a recent workshop I hosted, we took a deep dive into becoming a “know-it-all” about your ideal client.  Today I’ll share some of the core concepts.

This list of demographics is where we usually start when defining our niche or ideal client:

  • Gender
  • Age group
  • Income
  • Family status
  • Education
  • Lifestyle goals
  • Location

Maybe you even write up a nice story about your ideal client. You give her a name, a couple of kids, a significant other who just doesn’t get it, and a load of student loans. You know quite a bit about her, you think.

Unfortunately, you would be wrong, and if you stop there, you are missing a huge piece of the puzzle—and losing out on the best clients because of it.

The missing piece

Demographics are great, don’t get me wrong.  What you’re missing is the personality of your ideal client and that’s the psychographics. That’s marketing-speak for the attitude, beliefs, values and fears of your ideal client – in other words, her personality.

Psychographics are rarely considered in the “ideal client” description, and it’s arguably the most important part because this where decisions are made.  In this situation, being a “know-it-all” is vital to the success and sustainability of your business.

It’s equally important to include your personality when you’re defining your ideal client.   If your personality is that of fun-loving, out-spoken, roguish approach to life with a fair amount of wanderlust in your personality, then a quiet, middle-aged mom who has more demands on her time than she can manage, is probably not a good fit for you. Sure, she might need your help, and she might love your products or services, but for one-on-one coaching, this match-up is a disaster. Either she will be uncomfortable with your style, or you’ll be miserable trying to reign in your uniqueness.

Use this to get started!

Whether you’re just starting your business, or struggling to find more clients, this suggestion will serve you well.  Interview or poll 10-20 prospects (or recent clients) that you would consider to be your ideal client. Put some thought into designing questions that will give you the insight and understanding you need to complete the picture of your ideal client. Track the answers and, this is important, resist the urge to edit or rephrase what they said.  Their answers contain the words you want to use in your marketing.

When you really know your ideal client and blend that with your uniqueness, then magic happens.  Suddenly, it seems a lot less like work and lot more like fun!

Next week, we’ll look at identifying the real pain points your prospects are experiencing and how you can connect with them by tailoring your solution to their pain – and I’ll show you how your prospects can help you do just that!

Are you intrigued? Want to learn more about attracting your ideal client?  Click here to schedule your Explore Expand Enrich Discovery Call.

Do it right now.

You’ll thank yourself tomorrow!