When answering the previous question, you may have unknowingly answered this question.  Often, it is easier to identify what isn’t working, what isn’t satisfying.  We’re sort of programmed to focus on areas requiring improvement – report cards, performance evaluations tend to have instilled that in us.

Considering dissatisfaction can also be uncomfortable and that’s okay – it is just temporary!  Using these same categories, or others that you have identified is a great place to begin.

  • Social
  • Professional
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Spiritual

The next step would be to identify action you could to implement to shift your dissatisfaction into satisfaction.  Referring to the previous blog series may be helpful. Click here for blogs.  Be patient with yourself and with the process.  It takes time, and yes, you are worth it!

Have comments you’d like to share with me?  Go for it!